Do you have a vision for your future? Issue 2 of truth magazine out now

Here we are in issue 2, if it isn’t obvious already our vision is simple, to share truth.

So let’s get into this edition. I hope it gives you a good mix of life, joy, the odd knowing and nodding chuckle and cause you to ask the question (like it did me): “what does God want to say to me through this, right here right now?”.

A new hero of the faith is Maral Assadzadeh. In this issue she tells us about her life; growing up in Iran and how she used to hide her faith, being forced to seek asylum in the UK, and now working for Fusion reaching out to university students. She’s a total inspiration.

And finally our cover story features Caitlin Zick of Moral Revolution who talks about purpose and vision.

Love Jane

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